The Forge of God
Copyright 1987 by
Greg Bear
I first read this in April 1989 and most recently on the 22nd December 2011
First Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, disappears. Next aliens arrive on Earth.
Two groups of aliens, in fact, and giving contrary stories. Which group are
telling the truth and which are the deceivers? Are they both lying? And why?
In the USA, the President chooses an apocalyptic, religious interpretation of
these momentous events, and refuses to act, content to submit to God's will.
Arthur Gordon, ex science advisor to the President along with other members of
the President's cabinet consider whether duty is enough to bind them. Around
them, more evidence of the aliens' malign intentions slowly appears and the
Earth rushes towards its doom.
Not one of my favourite Greg Bear novels. I find it a depressing,
and a little boring; end-of-the-world and all that. But it's well written,
has a few nice moments. some impressive ideas and throughout the story is
carefully and thoughtfully told, I almost liked it, and some people may
think it's revelationary. But the book should have had me riveted to my seat,
downing the tequilas almost as an afterthought as I flipped, entranced,
the pages. Instead, I munched through a couple of choco-chip cookies
and secretly speed-read through the overly portentous finale.
Loaded on the 7th March 2020.